
Is it necessary or even a good idea to compost for your tiny/RV garden?


I think it is.  But that just adds challenges.  Here are some thought about composting for a tiny and/or RV garden.


Not having a spot to sprout plants may pose a threat to your gardening ambitions when you choose to live full time in an RV. However, growing agricultural products using small containers still offers some benefits to each and every RVer.


Tiny homes and green living seem to go hand in hand. After all, smaller houses mean less stuff and less stuff means fewer resources being used. That being said, there are some difficulties involved with living and travelling in an RV while attempting to hold unto an earth-friendly lifestyle.


Container gardening would provide you with an option that fills the gap perfectly. Since certain types of plants grow well in containers than others, you need to select the right one such as strawberries, mushrooms, etc. If you are choosing flowers, choose geraniums and other organic flowers.


Note that you would also need to nurture the garden using enough soil, and water the plants from time to time. You would also need a container that is suitable for the RV like a set of planter box that is ideal for storing on the bumper or window boxes that are tailor-made for the RV. You can even use recycled coffee cans if you are planning to go small scale.


When you park the RV, you should either hang the plants from the awning or place them in a way it gets sufficient light. Additionally, ensure that the container has a drainage source so that the plants are not drowned. Lining up the bottom of the container using stones would support the root.


Most people living full time in an RV also consider worm composting as a means to meet the resolution. It refers to using food residue in vermicompost soil and growing plants in the nutrient way possible. The benefit of vermicomposting is that RVers can maintain the plants even when travel becomes necessity.


Here’s a couple of product examples of vermicompost on Amazon.  Check out their prices.     Bovine Thermo Vermicompost 10lb bag., and your own Worm Farm, check out Amazon’s prices


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